"Goldenrod, Acorn Caps, and Black Walnut 01", 2023

"Goldenrod, Acorn Caps, and Black Walnut 01", 2023
Hiking through woodlands and prairies brings joy and sparks my curiosity. Ethically foraging materials and transforming them into inks deepens my connection with nature. Imagery is inspired by clusters of leaves, textures of bark, and reflections on water. I embrace ephemeral moments with the changing seasons. Rather than making representational work, I capture the fleeting essence of my inspiration.
Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) erupts across the Midwest in fall with golden plumes. Often mistaken for ragweed allergies, this plant is a keystone species, supporting many other creatures.
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) a quintessential American tree beloved for its wood and nuts. Commonly found throughout Missouri. Green fruits fall in late summer full of ink-making tannins.
"Goldenrod, Acorn Caps, and Black Walnut 01", 2023
6”x6” ink painting on archival paper.